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ID: 43651
Title: Nigeria, IFAD Value Chain Development Programme , June, 2016.
Description: Iye in Guma local government in Benue state, Nigeria.

Mrs Laadi Ngbegha, 55 married with five children is a retired civil servant and her main income now comes from farming. She also rear chicken and goats at home.She was able to learn how to practice dry season farming through the IFAD Value Chain Development Programme that was brought to her community. Becoming aware of the possibilities of dry season farming she cultivated rice on a three hectares of land. The results have been exciting for her because she can now farm all seasons of the year, which will bring improvement to her income and food supply.However, high cost of water supply to implement irrigation system for the dry season farming has been one her major challenge, for instance, the sudden over 100% increase in cost of fuel to power irrigation machine. She hopes more funds to supplement the cost of irrigation in order to make farming in the next dry season enduring.Happy with the good harvests from this first dry season farming she hopes to expand the rice farm land to about 10hectares in the next dry farming season.Her children are also farmers and she wants them to remain practicing farming no matter what they do with their lives in the future because for her agriculture will become a source of revenue like that of the crude oil.She wants implore IFAD to continue with their programs so that more people will be encourage to go into dry season faming.

Iye in Guma local government in Benue state, Nigeria is one of the beneficiary communities of the IFAD Value Chain Development Programme (VCDP). This programme takes a holistic and demand-driven approach to addressing constraints along the cassava and rice value chains. It does this by:• Developing agricultural markets and increasing market access for smallholder farmers and small to medium-scale agro-processors• Enhancing smallholder productivity – and thus increasing the volume and quality of marketable produce – by strengthening farmers' organizations as well as supporting smallholder production. The objective is to sustainably enhance rural incomes and food security. The target groups include 15,000 smallholder farming households, 1,680 processors and 800 traders.
Size: 7.53 MB; 6144 x 4096 pixels; 520 x 347 mm (print at 300 DPI); 1626 x 1084 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Show more details: Andrew Esiebo
Copyright: ©IFAD/Andrew Esiebo/Panos
Categories: none 
URL: www.ifad.org