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18/02/2010 10:09
File Size:
944.73 KB
4288 x 2848 pixels
8 views 86 downloads
ID: 6394
Country: Tanzania
Title: Tanzania - First Mile Project - March 2006
Description: Stanley Mchome is a Mkulima Shushushu (a spy farmer). He uses his mobile phone to communicate current market prices from a variety of traders and markets to producers in his group.
Magugu village market, Babati, Tanzania.

The First Mile Project aims to promote communication and technology in rural areas to allow market access and competitive pricing of goods.
Size: 944.73 KB; 4288 x 2848 pixels; 363 x 241 mm (print at 300 DPI); 1135 x 754 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Show more details: Mwanzo Millinga
Copyright: ©IFAD/Mwanzo Millinga
Categories: none 
URL: www.ifad.org