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ID: 72502
Country: Cote d'Ivoire
Title: Côte d’Ivoire - Agricultural Value Chain Development Support Programme (PADFA) – November 2021
Description: Climate change is affecting small-scale mango producers, like Korona Yéo, a mango farmer in the village of Kakologo. They are losing up to 70-100 per cent of their crop. Drought has reduced the mangoes’ quality, and flies can easily destroy the fruit. Mangoes represent an important source of income, as Côte d’Ivoire exports an average of 30,000 tons of mangoes to Europe each year.

To help small-scale mango producers, PADFA is training them on simple techniques to fight the reproduction of flies. Farmers are also trained on soil and water conservation, using half-moon and conservation agriculture systems to contain rainwater around the mango trees.

“The villagers used to laugh at us when we lost all our mangoes through fly attacks. They said, ‘Instead of planting cashew nut trees, you plant mango trees because you want to export them to Europe. Now, you mango farmers you do not have your mangoes to export nor to eat,’” explained Korona Yéo. “With the support of PADFA, we have begun to reap the fruits of our efforts. We now sell our mangoes to the companies who export them to Europe. Thirty per cent of mangoes on the European market come from Côte d’Ivoire.

My dream is that one day, I will be able to export my mangoes directly to Europe without passing through the middlemen.”

The aim of PADFA is to improve post-harvest activities (packaging, storage, processing, and marketing) of three strategic value chains: rice, vegetables and mango. Thus, stimulating economic growth and improving the food and nutritional security and raising the incomes of the smallholder households in the programme area. In addition, PDAFA will mobilize investments by the domestic private sector by promoting cofinancing, risk-sharing mechanisms and other financial products and services to foster the development of private initiatives.
Size: 6.80 MB; 5760 x 3840 pixels; 488 x 325 mm (print at 300 DPI); 1524 x 1016 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Show more details: David Paqui
Copyright: ©IFAD/David Paqui
Categories: none 
URL: www.ifad.org