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ID: 76687
Country: Tajikistan
Title: Tajikistan - Community-based Agricultural Support Project (CASP) - May 2022
Description: Nazrullah Dilshodov (right, 38-years-old, married with 3 children) has rented the front loader from the Village Organization, operated by Abdulhak Dilshodov (left - 30-years-old, married with 2 children) to clear land for building a poultry house.

Abdulhak, a mechanic by trade, was hired by the Nimich Village Organization to operate and maintain the new frontloader provided by the CASP. Abdulhak used to search for seasonal work in the Russian Federation. The work he has now with the VO is more than enough to keep him busy, and he is happy that he can now stay in his village together with his wife and two children, three and seven years old. “Earning ten somoni here is better than earning one thousand somoni there.”

Nazrullah Dilshodov is a member of the Nimich Village Organization (VO). He has requested the frontloader service from the VO to clear land for building a poultry house for about 300 chickens, turkeys and ducks on his property. He pays about 350 somoni ($35) for one hour of work. If he had leased the service from a neighboring village, he would have paid between 400 and 450 somoni per hour. Nazrullah can sell an adult turkey in the market for about 350 somoni, which is enough to cover the cost of the machinery service. When Abdulhak finishes this one-hour service here, he will move on to his next service. His days are normally fully booked with requested services.

“We used to do this kind of work ourselves by hand, or paid construction machinery providers from other villages to come here and do it for us. The services provided by our village organization using the new equipment is more affordable and they provide the service quickly.”

The Community-based Agricultural Support Project (CASP) is building on the significant achievements of the earlier Livestock and Pasture Development Project to stimulate inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction in rural Tajikistan. Since 2018, the CASP has provided benefits to more than 51,000 households in 177 rural villages in Khatlon Oblast, Soghd and Republican Subordination Regions. Its activities are helping communities and smallholder (dehkan) farmers access productive infrastructure and services, leading to sustainable agricultural production, equitable income-generating opportunities and improved living standards.

The CASP works with Village Organizations (VOs) to develop community-driven action plans that define their own improvement initiatives. Village-level participation in decision making is critical to the success of these plans and helps establish a sense of community ownership and cohesion.

The Community-based Agricultural Support Project (CASP) is building on the significant achievements of the earlier Livestock and Pasture Development Project to stimulate inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction in rural Tajikistan. Since 2018, the CASP has provided benefits to more than 51,000 households in 177 rural villages in Khatlon Oblast, Soghd and Republican Subordination Regions. Its activities are helping communities and smallholder (dehkan) farmers access productive infrastructure and services, leading to sustainable agricultural production, equitable income-generating opportunities and improved living standards.

The CASP works with Village Organizations (VOs) to develop community-driven action plans that define their own improvement initiatives. Village-level participation in decision making is critical to the success of these plans and helps establish a sense of community ownership and cohesion.
Size: 1.75 MB; 3619 x 2413 pixels; 306 x 204 mm (print at 300 DPI); 958 x 638 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Show more details: Didor Sadulloev
Copyright: © IFAD/ Didor Sadulloev
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URL: www.ifad.org