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ID: 76868
Country: Kenya
Title: Kenya – Upper Tana - Nairobi Water Fund- October 2022
Description: Gerald Juma and his wife, Tabitha, are farmers in Mukurweini in Nyeri County in Kenya. They own a farm where they grow coffee, tree nursey, livestock, traditional vegetables, fruits and trees for sale.

He also has biogas that he gets from the cow dung. His wife, in addition to her chores, is business savvy and helps in income-generating activities within the homestead. From trees she planted, she sells firewood to the community members. She also grows horticultural products for sale, such as vegetables, tomatoes, onions, maize, beans and fruits too, and also she buys from other farmers to sell.

Due to climate change, there has been scarcity of water and having a water pan has been of major help which he has used to irrigate his farm for horticultural farming. Through the Water Fund project, in addition to the water fund, he got 2 water tanks, 3,000 litres and 1,500 liters that has helped to have drip irrigation. This was because he is one of the best farmers that has implemented the land conservations techniques that they were taught, such as terracing that help in soil conservation and in addition, he supplies the local community with trees from the nursery that was inspired from what he learned. He has more than 2,000 orders per month, inclusive from the Water Fund team who are also his clients. The project helps farmers acquire irrigation and biogas materials at a subsidized fee. He has managed now to add a second water pan and hopes too harvest more water once the rains come as the drought has caused scarce rains.

The goal of Upper Tana Catchment Natural Resource Management Project is to contribute to the reduction of rural poverty in the Upper Tana River catchment through increased sustainable food production and incomes for poor rural households, as well as sustainable management of natural resources. The project has three main components; Empowering communities to sustainably manage natural resources by building their capacity to develop resource management plans while also improving their livelihoods, Sustainably improving the incomes and living standards of the target group through interventions that are beneficial to the management of the natural resource base and Improving the sustainable management and use of water and other natural resources.

The target area for the project is the Upper Tana catchment, covering 6 of Kenya's 47 counties. Around 205,000 poor rural households – including smallholder crop and livestock farmers, agro-pastoralists, fishers and rural traders – are expected to benefit from the initiative, which features a special focus on women, young people and other vulnerable groups.
Size: 20.32 MB; 5472 x 3648 pixels; 463 x 309 mm (print at 300 DPI); 1448 x 965 mm (screen at 96 DPI);
Show more details: Translieu/ Samuel Nyaberi
Copyright: ©IFAD/Translieu/Samuel Nyaberi
Categories: New from East and Southern Africa  
URL: www.ifad.org